Protective Coatings

Aug 11, 2021 by in Fluid Flow and Transfer Proccesses Comments Off on Protective Coatings

section epub:type=”chapter” role=”doc-chapter”> Chapter 18Protective Coatings 18.1 Introduction The last 20 years have seen a fast and steady increase of research into HTC. A quick survey with Scopus using the keywords…

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Aug 11, 2021 by in Fluid Flow and Transfer Proccesses Comments Off on Nitridation

section epub:type=”chapter” role=”doc-chapter”> Chapter 10Nitridation 10.1 Introduction Nitridation is a process that results in the formation of nitrides in a material. It results from exposure to reducing high temperature environments…

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Aug 11, 2021 by in Fluid Flow and Transfer Proccesses Comments Off on Halogenation

section epub:type=”chapter” role=”doc-chapter”> Chapter 11Halogenation 11.1 Introduction Halogens and many halogen compounds are very corrosive. In fact, iodine was discovered when, as an impurity in soda ash, it caused corrosion…

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Corrosion in Molten Metals

Aug 11, 2021 by in Fluid Flow and Transfer Proccesses Comments Off on Corrosion in Molten Metals

section epub:type=”chapter” role=”doc-chapter”> Chapter 14Corrosion in Molten Metals 14.1 Introduction Molten metals, or liquid metals, are frequently used as heat transfer medium because of their excellent heat transfer properties. Due…

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Case Studies

Aug 11, 2021 by in Fluid Flow and Transfer Proccesses Comments Off on Case Studies

section epub:type=”chapter” role=”doc-chapter”> Chapter 20Case Studies We hope that the interest in including a chapter on case studies connected with high temperature corrosion in relevant industrial situations and related with…

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