Testing and Evaluation

Aug 11, 2021 by in Fluid Flow and Transfer Proccesses Comments Off on Testing and Evaluation

section epub:type=”chapter” role=”doc-chapter”> Chapter 17Testing and Evaluation 17.1 Introduction One of the key parameters in high temperature oxidation is the parabolic rate constant. This is true as long as protective…

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High Temperature Electrochemistry

Aug 11, 2021 by in Fluid Flow and Transfer Proccesses Comments Off on High Temperature Electrochemistry

section epub:type=”chapter” role=”doc-chapter”> Chapter 6High Temperature Electrochemistry 6.1 Introduction Accelerated corrosion in gas turbine engines, boilers, and other high temperature systems is usually caused by the existence of combustion products…

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Aug 11, 2021 by in Fluid Flow and Transfer Proccesses Comments Off on Oxidation

section epub:type=”chapter” role=”doc-chapter”> Chapter 7Oxidation 7.1 Introduction 7.1.1 Historical Perspective Oxidation is an important high temperature corrosion phenomenon. Metals or alloys are oxidized when heated to elevated temperatures in air…

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Corrosion in Molten Salts

Aug 11, 2021 by in Fluid Flow and Transfer Proccesses Comments Off on Corrosion in Molten Salts

section epub:type=”chapter” role=”doc-chapter”> Chapter 13Corrosion in Molten Salts 13.1 Introduction Interest in the use of molten or fused salts in industrial processes is continually increasing, and these media are gradually…

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Carburization and Metal Dusting

Aug 11, 2021 by in Fluid Flow and Transfer Proccesses Comments Off on Carburization and Metal Dusting

section epub:type=”chapter” role=”doc-chapter”> Chapter 9Carburization and Metal Dusting 9.1 Introduction Metals and alloys are susceptible to carburization when exposed to an environment containing CO, or CH4 or other hydrocarbon gases,…

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Fireside Corrosion

Aug 11, 2021 by in Fluid Flow and Transfer Proccesses Comments Off on Fireside Corrosion

section epub:type=”chapter” role=”doc-chapter”> Chapter 16Fireside Corrosion 16.1 Introduction The problem of high temperature fireside corrosion in coal‐ and oil‐fired steam generating plants, and generally in heat‐recovery units, has been well…

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Hot Corrosion

Aug 11, 2021 by in Fluid Flow and Transfer Proccesses Comments Off on Hot Corrosion

section epub:type=”chapter” role=”doc-chapter”> Chapter 15Hot Corrosion 15.1 Introduction Alloys for high temperature application usually contain appreciable quantities of nickel: in particular, alloys based on the 80–20 nickel–chromium system have proved…

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Aug 11, 2021 by in Fluid Flow and Transfer Proccesses Comments Off on Sulfidation

section epub:type=”chapter” role=”doc-chapter”> Chapter 8Sulfidation 8.1 Introduction Because of the widespread natural occurrence of sulfur in fuels (whether solid, liquid, or gaseous), severe corrosion may arise when materials come into…

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